Our Awards 奖项

Service to Education Award, Ministry of Education (MOE), 2010





Hear from Our Students


Business entrepreneur in education


“In 2010, under the recommendation of Far East Organisation, my parents found EduCare4u for my transition into Singapore’s education system. Within two months, I managed to pass the school admission tests and interview and successfully enrolled in Hwa Chong International School. After graduation, I received an acceptance letter from University of California, Irvine. Upon hearing of my experience, relatives and family friends in my hometown approached my parents for recommendation for their children to study in Singapore. Naturally, we referred them to EduCare4u as my experience showed that it is a successful and replicable process. This included my cousin, the children of two of my father’s ex-classmates and an acquaintance who wished to come to Singapore for studies. Under EduCare4u’s guidance, all of my friends did very well academically and socially, and have proceeded to universities in US, Australia and Singapore."


Canadian International School (From Grade 8 to IB Year 12)


“In Jan 2014, I graduated from Grade 8. During the winter holidays, my family and I travelled to Singapore. At the time, I had no intention to study in Singapore, but in that short time we realised that Singapore has a beautiful environment, good law enforcement and a peaceful society. Thus, we made the decision to enrol in a Singapore school. With my friends' support, my mother found me a guardian. I came to know the teachers here, as well as many students from other countries. Alvina is a graduate of the University of Hull; she has been active in providing educational services. As my English proficiency was not very good initially, I studied at SSTC's language school for half a year. I would go to Educare4u for tuition after classes. Under their tutelage, I was offered a place in CIS. I was well taken care of during my stay, as my laundry, meals and cleaning were all taken care of.

Today, I am well-acclimatised to the learning and living environment in Singapore. Alvina has been a constant source of support. I feel at home here. If I was given another chance, I would make the same decision to study here."


Chulalongkorn University


“I have been under the care of EduCare4u since the age of 12. By attending the Summer Camps organised by EduCare4u yearly, my English proficiency has greatly improved. Teacher Alvina has played a big part in grooming and nurturing me all these years. I will never forget the personalised “exploration maps” that Teacher Alvina crafted out for me every time I was there for the camp. I would explore different parts of Singapore based on the map. While I was travelling around Singapore, I was constantly seeing and learning new things. Alvina has made learning less of a chore and so much more fun and meaningful for me. Eventually, two of my younger siblings were also entrusted to Alvina. One of them is called Jade, she was shy and introverted but after going through the Summer Camp program, she grew to become a confident and independent lady. The exposure and the adaptation skills that she gained from the Summer Camp in Singapore gave her the leap of faith to go for a 10 months overseas exchange in China. My second sister, Ruby, also signed up for the camp by EduCare4u. She became more confident and independent and she went for a 1-year camp in Argentina where she learnt Spanish. This would not have been possible without her first camp experience in Singapore.

Now, I am teaching and pursuing my PhD at Chulalongkorn University. My family and I have still maintained a close relationship with Alvina even since I left Educare4u to pursue my degree."


Nanyang Polytechnic


“The first time my dad mentioned about me going to study in Singapore, the whole family opposed the idea. I had not been to Singapore then so it was an unfamiliar environment. They felt that I was too young to be sent abroad alone and too immature to take care of myself. However, my father was insistent. In August 2011 when I first landed in Singapore my first impression was a clean and tidy city. Our banker introduced us to Ms Xu. Ms Xu enthusiastically guided me on the educational roadmap. Staying with her was a great help for me as a newcomer. The meals were very tasty and healthy and I adapted quickly. She taught us how to have a balanced study life and cared for my safety as well as my physical and mental needs.

Together with her teachers, she handled my school and education matters and I was successfully admitted to a government school before proceeding to polytechnic. Studying in Singapore under Ms Xu's care is definitely the right choice."


Hear from Parents

Father of Nianhan



“Since 2012, Nianhan arrived at your homestay and received meticulous care and tuition from you and your teachers. She has improved swiftly over the years in her daily habits and study. Last year, she received acceptance letters simultaneously from Rhode Island School of Design, University of Arts London, Royal Academy of Fine Arts Anttwerp. This would not have been possible without your help and I sincerely thank you!"

Mother of Steven 



“We came to Singapore in July 2013. Steven started the homestay and intensive tuition programme with EduCare4u on 1 August. After 2 months of meticulous preparation with the tutors, he took part in the AEIS in October and was successfully posted to a government primary school in December. After enrolment in Cantonment Primary School, he continued to attend weekly tuition sessions with EduCare4u. During his PSLE year in 2017, Steven was complacent in his studies, but with their timely and patient intervention, he was brought back on the right track. Steven achieved an outstanding PSLE aggregate score of 258 (3 A* and 1 A), allowing him to qualify for the top secondary schools in Singapore such as Raffles Institution, although he chose to enrol in another top school of his preference, Dunman High School.

All this was made possible by the proper guidance and effective teaching of the team at EduCare4u. Not only do they guide the students academically, they also emphasised on good manners and positive daily routines. I am very grateful to the team led by Alvina and Steven will continue to attend their tuition sessions for his secondary school years."


Hear from Partners

Robin Yeo

Senior Consultant
FT Consulting


“We at FT Consulting Pte Ltd have developed a strong and enduring partnership with EduCare4u since we started working with the Company in 2013, advising them on business expansion strategies such as franchising and on managing their wealth of intellectual property assets. Over the years, we have seen EduCare4u grown from strength to strength, with an unwavering commitment to improving their business model and system to meet the increasing needs of parents and students.
Through our close interactions with EduCare4u, we have witnessed first-hand the care and dedication of EduCare4u's management and staff, especially their tutors, towards the children under their charge - proving the children a holistic and well-rounded education experience."